domenica 8 giugno 2014


Conferenza specialistica, 25 Giugno 2014, Università di Warwick

Rituals from life to death” è una conferenza dedicata agli iscritti a lauree specialistiche, dottorandi e giovani ricercatori, co-organizzata dai dipartimenti di Storia dell’Arte e di Politiche Culturali dell’Università di Warwick per esplorare il tema del rito. Il ruolo del rito nella società è stato ampiamente riconosciuto come un fattore fondamentale per la costruzione e il consolidamento dell’identità. Anche nella nostra vita quotidiana ritroviamo comportamenti culturali con caratteristiche rituali, come praticare sport o consumare cibo: questa conferenza ripercorrerà il manifestarsi di questi comportamenti nel corso della storia seguendo un approccio comparativo. Insieme affronteremo l’effetto emotivo del rito sui suoi partecipanti sia nel passato che ai giorni nostri e analizzaremo il suo impatto su coloro che vi assistono. Il ruolo della produzione artistica in relazione al rito sarà al centro della nostra discussione ed esamineremo il ruolo delle opere d’arte dal loro concepimento fino alla loro diffusione e al loro uso; questo ci permetterà di parlare della relazione tra la messa in atto del rito e degli oggetti rituali.

Nell’ambito della conferenza, si terrà una mostra di arte primaria.

Opere di Filippo Biagioli

Relatori principali

Dr. Jenny Alexander, Dipartimento di Storia dell’Arte, Università di Warwick, Public or Private Ritual Space? Lincoln Cathedral's Angel Choir in the later-medieval period
Dr. Yvette Hutchison, Dipartimento di Teatro, Performance e Politiche Culturali, Università di Warwick, Ritual in Contemporary Theatre and Performance: The Sacred and/as the Profane


Christian Attard, Università di Malta, The Waiting Soul: the Imagery and Ritual of Purgatory in Malta
Thanavi Chotpradit, Birkbeck, Università di Londra, Constituting the Constitution: Photographs of King Prajadhipok in the Royal Constitution Granting Ceremony
Stefano Colombo, Università di Warwick, Religious Piety and Celebratory Rhetoric in the Seventeenth-Century Venetian Sepulchral Monuments
Steven Franklin, Royal Holloway, Università di Londra, The Changing Face of Magna Carta Day
Tess Radcliffe, Università di Wolverhampton, Still Life and Eroticism
Robert Rapoport, Ruskin School of Art, Università di Oxford, Code and Causation: A Ritual Framing of Algorithmic Video Editing
Zahra Tharani, Kings College Londra, Università di Londra, Ritual, Community and Cognition in the Cult of Isis
Naomi Vogt, Università di Oxford, Reenacting Ritual: Video Installations as Anthropological Space?
Wei Yu, Birkbeck, Università di Londra, Rituals, the Human Body and a Sound Machine: On Lin Chiwei’s Tape Music Series

La registrazione alla conferenza è disponibile al sito:

filippo biagioli primitive doll arte tribale europea

Postgraduate Conference on Wednesday 25th June 2014

University of Warwick (Wolfson Research Exchange)

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Jenny Alexander, History of Art Department, University of Warwick, Public or Private Ritual Space? Lincoln Cathedral's Angel Choir in the later-medieval period
Dr. Yvette Hutchison, School of Theatre, Performance and Cultural Policy Studies, University of Warwick, Ritual in Contemporary Theatre and Performance: The Sacred and/as the Profane

Special Exhibition

Original ritual artworks by Filippo Biagioli (Tuscany, Italy)

Conference Abstract

This is a one-day postgraduate conference co-organised between the departments of History of Art and Cultural Policy Studies to explore the theme of ritual. The role of ritual in society has been largely acknowledged as fundamental for the construction and consolidation of identity. In everyday contemporary life, one finds ritualised cultural practices, such as sports and food consumption. This conference will explore their different manifestations and history through a comparative approach. Together we will investigate the emotional effect of ritual on its participants in the past as well as in our own time, and consider its impact on wider audiences. The role of artistic production in connection to ritual will be at the heart of our discussion, examining works of art from their conception to their dissemination and use. This will encompass the relationship between the enactment of ritual and the ritual object.

Confirmed Speakers

Christian Attard, University of Malta, The Waiting Soul: the Imagery and Ritual of Purgatory in Malta
Thanavi Chotpradit, Birkbeck, University of London, Constituting the Constitution: Photographs of King Prajadhipok in the Royal Constitution Granting Ceremony
Stefano Colombo, University of Warwick, Religious Piety and Celebratory Rhetoric in the Seventeenth-Century Venetian Sepulchral Monuments
Steven Franklin, Royal Holloway, University of London, The Changing Face of Magna Carta Day
Tess Radcliffe, University of Wolverhampton, Still Life and Eroticism
Robert Rapoport, Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, Code and Causation: A Ritual Framing of Algorithmic Video Editing
Zahra Tharani, Kings College London, University of London, Ritual, Community and Cognition in the Cult of Isis
Naomi Vogt, University of Oxford, Reenacting Ritual: Video Installations as Anthropological Space?
Wei Yu, Birkbeck, University of London, Rituals, the Human Body and a Sound Machine: On Lin Chiwei’s Tape Music Series

filippo biagioli primitive doll european tribal art

Conférence spécialiste, 25 June 2014, Université de Warwick

Rituals from life to death” est une conférence pour les étudiants de troisième cycle, les doctorants et les jeunes chercheurs. Cette conférence est organisée par le département d’Histoire de l’Art et le Centre de Politiques Culturelles à l’Université de Warwick afin d’explorer le thème du rite. Le rôle du rite dans la société fut amplement reconnu comme un des facteur fondamental dans la construction et le consolidement de l’identité. Dans notre vie quotidienne nous rencontrons des comportements culturels qui ont des caractéristiques rituelles, comme par exemple faire du sport ou consommer des aliments : cette conférence va retracer la manifestation de ces comportements à travers l’histoire en suivant une approche comparative. Nous allons affronter l’effet émotif du rite sur ses participants, dans le passé et aujourd’hui aussi, et son impact sur ceux qui y assistent. Le rôle de la production artistique en relation avec le rite va être au centre du notre discussion et nous allons examiner le rôle des œuvres d’art à partir de leur conception jusqu’à leur diffusion et à leur usage ; tout ça nous permettra de parler de la relation entre la mise en action du rite et les objets rituels.

Pendant la conférence, il y aura une exhibition d’art primaire.

Œuvres de Filippo Biagioli

Orateurs principaux

Dr. Jenny Alexander, Département d’Histoire de l’Art, Université de Warwick, Public or Private Ritual Space? Lincoln Cathedral's Angel Choir in the later-medieval period
Dr. Yvette Hutchison, Département de Théâtre, Performance et Politiques Culturelles, Université de Warwick, Ritual in Contemporary Theatre and Performance: The Sacred and/as the Profane

Christian Attard, Université de Malta, The Waiting Soul: the Imagery and Ritual of Purgatory in Malta
Thanavi Chotpradit, Birkbeck, Université de Londres, Constituting the Constitution: Photographs of King Prajadhipok in the Royal Constitution Granting Ceremony
Stefano Colombo, Université de Warwick, Religious Piety and Celebratory Rhetoric in the Seventeenth-Century Venetian Sepulchral Monuments
Steven Franklin, Royal Holloway, Université de Londres, The Changing Face of Magna Carta Day
Tess Radcliffe, Université de Wolverhampton, Still Life and Eroticism
Robert Rapoport, Ruskin School of Art, Université de Oxford, Code and Causation: A Ritual Framing of Algorithmic Video Editing
Zahra Tharani, Kings College Londres, Université de Londres, Ritual, Community and Cognition in the Cult of Isis
Naomi Vogt, Université de Oxford, Reenacting Ritual: Video Installations as Anthropological Space?
Wei Yu, Birkbeck, Université de Londres, Rituals, the Human Body and a Sound Machine: On Lin Chiwei’s Tape Music Series

La registration pour la conférence est disponible sur le site:

filippo biagioli wishesi warwick university show



filippo biagioli monete per trapasso arte tribale europea

arte primaria europea, arte rituale europea, arts and society, biagioli filippo, christian attard, confèrence spècialiste, dr. jenny, alexander dr yvette hutchison, european tribal art, exibithion d'art primarie, filippo biagioli, naomi vogt, rituals from life to death, performance, robert rapoport, stefano colombo, steven franklin, tess radcliffe, thanavi chotpradit, universitè de warwick, wei yu, zara tharani

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